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Vertigo Victim? Read This First

Vertigo Victim? Read This First Vertigo sufferer: are you short on time but desperate for knowledge? Find your way ar...

Where are my Sea-bands?

Where are my Sea-Bands? 5 Clever Places To Place Your Bands So They’re Always There When You Need ‘Em Sometimes, ...

Give Me A Minute...

6 Unapologetic, Off-The-Wall Phrases To Use Instead Of ‘Sorry, I Feel Dizzy.’ Are you losing your sense of balance? I...

Natural Remedies To Kick The Sick

5 Natural Remedies To Kick The Sick. There’s no doubt that travel broadens the mind. But all of us have been through ...

Find Your Acupressure Points

Somewhere on your body, right now, there’s an acupressure point that could help you fight nausea and motion sickness ...

5 Absurd Anti-Vertigo Mantras

Ground Yourself In The Moment With These 5 Absurd Anti-vertigo Mantras. We’re channeling the power of the mind right ...

Bad Excuses for the Nauseous

The 6 Best Elaborate Excuses For Why You’re Currently Sitting Down With Your Head Between Your Legs - Bad Excuses fo...

Top Responses to ‘You Look Terrible’

Top Responses to ‘You Look Terrible’ Who’s this coming over to see you, they look familiar, gosh you haven’t this guy...

5 Unbalanced Animals

5 Unbalanced Animals Losing Their Balance in Ways That’ll Make You Wince At The Same Time As Saying ‘Awww.’ Let’s not...
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