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25 Years of Wandering Lessons

25 Years of Wandering Lessons This week marked a big milestone. Travel and I hit our big 25 year-silver anniversary o...

Tips For Sickness at Sea

Boat Rides Shouldn’t Mean Sickness and Fatigue. And With These Tips, They Probably Won’t. 5 Tips For Sickness at Sea....

Wandering Lessons from Stephanie

Wandering Lessons from Stephanie 128 countries, seven continents and 50 states. Yep, Stephanie Zito has done it all. ...

Your Babymoon Essentials

Your Babymoon Essentials What should you bring on your last baby-free trip? What are the Babymoon essentials for your...

Unwanted Souvenirs

Those 7 Unwanted Souvenirs That We’re Praying Not To Receive. Isn’t it enough to endure the postcards, the WhatsApp s...

The Sick Bag’s Thoughts

Ever Wondered What Your Lowly Paper Sick Bag Is Really Thinking... That paper sick bag tucked in the pocket nearby m...

Mundane Thoughts You Can't Avoid

How Many Of These 10 Mundane Thoughts You Can't Avoid, Can You Fit Into Your Next Adrenaline-Fueled Adventure? You’re...

Soundtracks For Your Work

10 Soundtracks For Your Work Life When: Hitting The Road On Friday Night Just After Your Boss Said Goodbye, Then Adde...

8 Outrageous Things on Water-skis

8 Outrageous Things on Water-Skis. Who are these people? Why are they? Why? It takes dedication to pick up skills w...

Ridiculous Real-Life Boats

5 Ridiculous Real-Life Boats You’d Swap This Ferry For In A Heartbeat. Quit watching the horizon and waiting for this...

Jon Burkhart's Family Adventure

Jon Burkhart's Family Adventure Powered by Seaband - Get in - To Get Out! The intrepid (yet admittedly travel-anxious...

Steph "Banding It Up"

Steph "Banding It Up" - The Caymans and Florida Our travel blogger conquers her anxiety – to a crazily catchy soundtr...
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