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Ridiculous Real-Life Boats_Fight Motion sickness by nausea relief

Ridiculous Real-Life Boats

5 Ridiculous Real-Life Boats You’d Swap This Ferry For In A Heartbeat.

Quit watching the horizon and waiting for this watery crossing to end. Soon you’re going to get where you’re going, disembark, throw some celebratory shapes on solid ground, and start the next new chapter of your exploits. Meanwhile, since you’re still aboard, how’s about finding a snug spot, settling down, and picturing yourself on one of these 5 ridiculous real-life boats. Your next adventure, maybe? We’ll meet you at the jetty. Ridiculous Real-Life Boats_Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief

5. Spirit of Australia II

Think fast. Then think faster. The rocket-shaped Spirit of Australia II is currently poised to break the world record for water speed that was set by its predecessor, Spirit of Australia, all the way back in 1978. The number to beat is 318mph. You could sail from New York to London in 11 hours at that rate. Just be careful heading up the River Thames. Carving enormous jets of spray across Tower Bridge is probably not the done thing.

4. Hyper-Sub

If The Beatles are anything to go by, submarines can be delightful places to pass the time with friends. With that in mind, sign us up for a trip on the Hyper-Sub, a sexy speedboat-cum-submarine with impressive deep-dive capabilities. Sinking under the waterline never looked so darn appealing.

3. The Inferno

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it: pirates have more fun, and so do people who find pirate ships in caves. Like the kids out of The Goonies. Turns out One-Eyed Willy’s ship, The Inferno (which takes center stage in the movie’s last scenes), was actually built for real. Some say it’s since been destroyed. We prefer to think it’s still roaming the oceans. Otherwise, we start crying, and no one wants that.

2. Dilbar

Craving a bigger slice of your own space? Crave no more: the super-yacht, Dilbar, is widely reported to be the largest ship in the world. At 156 meters long and 24 meters wide, this floating palace has 35 cabins for the crew, 40 cabins for guests, a giant swimming pool, and its very own dock in the South of France (bien sur). Want it for yourself? All you need do is wrestle it off its billionaire Russian owner. $600 million ought to help.

1. Sea Shadow

Rather be dreaming of Star Wars? Then here is the vessel for you. This super-slick, Darth-Vader-like boat is known as the Sea Shadow. Built as an experimental stealth ship, it can remain stable in rough water up to sea state 6 (that’s waves of up to 6 meters high). With 12 bunks and its own microwave, the party starts here. Or maybe we should say started. We’re still in denial about it (can you tell?), but this bad boy was dismantled in 2012. I guess you’ll also need a time machine to get in on that action. But hey, you’re daydreaming, right? Top 2011 please, Jeeves – and don’t forget the microwaveable popcorn. If you are enjoying our community to fight Motion sickness read more fun stuff here Check out how to combat sickness at sea here.
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