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Uses For An Air Sickness Bag

Top Alternative Uses For An Air Sickness Bag Picture this, if you will (the chances are the scene might be familiar):...

Find Your Acupressure Points

Somewhere on your body, right now, there’s an acupressure point that could help you fight nausea and motion sickness ...

Wandering Lessons from Stephanie

Wandering Lessons from Stephanie 128 countries, seven continents and 50 states. Yep, Stephanie Zito has done it all. ...

Unwanted Souvenirs

Those 7 Unwanted Souvenirs That We’re Praying Not To Receive. Isn’t it enough to endure the postcards, the WhatsApp s...

The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game - Conquer Those Tricky Words Right Now! We can all come up with A for Apple, Abraham Lincoln, Alaba...

5 Absurd Anti-Vertigo Mantras

Ground Yourself In The Moment With These 5 Absurd Anti-vertigo Mantras. We’re channeling the power of the mind right ...

The Sick Bag’s Thoughts

Ever Wondered What Your Lowly Paper Sick Bag Is Really Thinking... That paper sick bag tucked in the pocket nearby m...

All-Purpose Road Map

This Incredible All-Purpose Road Map Will Get You Lost Fast – In A Way That Could Surprise You... Deep Deep in the va...

Scenarios Avoided on a Plane

15 Unpleasant Scenarios That You Can Now Avoid Since You’re On a Plane. Ladies and gentlemen, scenarios avoided on a ...

Mundane Thoughts You Can't Avoid

How Many Of These 10 Mundane Thoughts You Can't Avoid, Can You Fit Into Your Next Adrenaline-Fueled Adventure? You’re...

Top Responses to ‘You Look Terrible’

Top Responses to ‘You Look Terrible’ Who’s this coming over to see you, they look familiar, gosh you haven’t this guy...

Therapy Pets We All Need

5 Therapy Pets You Would Have In Your Life If It Was Socially Acceptable To Steal Them From Their Owners. Remember th...
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