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VR gamers read this first fight motion sickness nausea

VR Gamers? Read This First

VR Gamers? Read This First

VR gamers: it’s tough to put down that headset, we know, so in case you’re on a quick break from play here’s our shortcut guide to the site.


If you’re rushing for a pee stop and you’ve only got a minute, go straight to our post on finding your P6 acupressure point. Why? Because this wonder spot on your wrist could help nix your VR nausea for good.


If you’ve just cracked out the bag of chips and have 5-10 minutes of reading time to spare, check out VR to stop motion sickness for intriguing tech news. Then imagine yourself in pursuit of adrenaline with out article on the USA’s sickest VR rides, and seeing which of these 4 dizzying VR games you’ve tried so far.

Want to stay reading? Book yourself an appointment with absurdity and have your VR gaming stance analysed.

Game on, good friends, game on.
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