Boat Rides Shouldn’t Mean Sickness and Fatigue. And With These Tips, They Probably Won’t. 5 Tips For Sickness at Sea.
Going on a cruise or ferry ride any time soon? Then we’re guessing you’ll want to do all you can to stop seasickness in its tracks and avoid an upset stomach. Sea crossings are supposed to be relaxing, after all. So do you really want to be suffering from sickness and fatigue, when you could be piling a buffet plate high with waffles, salad and chocolate sauce?
Do you fancy fighting headaches in a dark cabin, instead of sunning yourself between ports?
Prefer staring at the innards of a toilet, instead of watching a glowing sunset over joyriding dolphins?
Nah. We didn’t think so. Let’s be real here, folks: who would?
On the plus side, if you’re one of the many travelers who experience motion sickness and fatigue while on the waves, you can console yourself by knowing you’re in good company: sometimes, even the best skippers get seasick. With the help of those salty sea dogs and the wisdom we’ve picked up from our time in the business (more than 30 years and counting, in case you were interested), we’re bringing you a fantastic foursome of quick seasickness tips to help you gain your sea legs.
5 Tips for Sickness at Sea:

Got that, Sea Bandits?
OK, so, on the one hand, we admit it does look like you
might want to leave out the waffles and chocolate sauce from your midnight portion of salad next time you're cruising… But, on the other, if a slick ginger stir fry appears on the Captain’s menu, you now have THE best excuse for ordering double portions.
What tips do you rely on to help combat seasickness and fatigue? Share your ideas and thoughts with our adventurous community by posting a personal comment below this article.
Check out some natural remedies to ease the quease
And check out sea-band travel sickness bands
here for more help and advice.