Technology vs. Motion Sickness – 4 New Gadgets to Conquer the Quease.
Motion sickness has to be one of the oldest problems of our human existence as travelers, right? We know, we know: cars weren’t really a thing until the early 20th century. But still. It’s not always all about automobiles. Picture Inuits traversing choppy, glacial waters; horse riders clearing fields with over-filled stomachs; carriage dwellers rocking back and forth on bumpy roads. All of those scenarios are recipes for motion sickness – not to mention that nauseating feeling of imbalance. The good news, however, is that, as old as this scourge of people in motion may be, it’s currently being tackled with some of the newest techs on the scene. Using glasses created by car makers, and robots that can transmit anti-motion signals into the ear, could we about to enter an age of tech-based extinction for motion sickness? If the claims of these gadget-makers is anything to go by, it’s a definite possibility. And wouldn’t that be awesome? We take a look at 4 contenders hoping to combat nausea once and for all. Check out these 4 Gadgets to Conquer the Quease.