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Explaining Morning Sickness_Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief

Explaining Morning Sickness...

Explaining Morning Sickness To Little Ones.

Mummy’s not been herself for a while – and her first-born can sense something’s up. Explaining morning sickness to little ones is a key part of getting them used to the idea of pregnancy. But finding the right words can sometimes be tough, especially when you’re not feeling in top condition. Of course, what you choose to say depends on where you are in your pregnancy. It may be you’re not ready to tell your child that a new sibling is coming. Even so, when morning sickness hits, it can ease the strain to get certain things out in the open. Explaining Morning Sickness..._Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief We’ve put these suggestions together to help you get started.

Tell them you’re feeling poorly

Our little ones are highly sensitive to how we feel and act. The first thing to do is acknowledge to your child that you’re feeling unwell, as they’ve probably noticed. If your kid can remember a time when they felt poorly too, you might want to talk about that together. E.g. “You know when you were feeling sick and wanted to stay home from kindergarten and sleep? That’s kind of how I’m feeling at the moment.”

Steer things away from the blame game

If a little one learns that you feel ill because of a baby in your tummy, they might naturally associate their unborn sibling with your pain – and begin to resent them. Be sure to stress that this is a totally natural process and that it is not their new sibling’s fault. You might find it helpful to let your child know if you went through the same process while pregnant with them. E.g. “I felt like this when you were growing inside me, but it got much better and I knew you would be worth it – which you were!”

Let them feel useful

When they hear you’re poorly, some little ones might want to take on a caring role, and offer to give you a Get-Better-Kiss or tuck you up in your bed. Show your gratitude and praise their empathy. If there is something practical they can do to ease the stress – such as playing more quietly than usual for the next hour – let them know.

Focus on reassurance

Although it might not always feel like it, you know your morning sickness will pass at some point (usually after 16 to 20 weeks). Your little one might find it harder to realize this. Stress that your feeling like this is a temporary thing, and reassure them that you’re going to feel much better soon. If your partner or any family members can help reinforce this message, bring them onboard. You don’t have to deal with morning sickness alone. For more info on morning sickness click here and check out some more pregnancy articles here.
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