Crazy Billboard Advertising
What IS this crazy billboard advertising? - we still have no idea.
You’re passing through the latest town, and beginning to slouch in your seat. It’s been a long drive up to this point; already, mid-morning, you’re starting to feel the grind of the asphalt set into your bones. It’s probably something to do with the time: pre-lunch, you’re sliding into a low-blood-sugar-state.
Feels like your eyes are getting bleary. Hypnotized. Your stomach’s doing strange things too; it’s starting to sound like a bath plug. The next decent diner you come to, you’re buying a chocolate malt. That’ll do the job. You give the word to your passenger: Watch out for chocolate malts. Number one key priority. Turns out your passenger also wants a chocolate malt. Now it’s all you both can think of. Your passenger leans forward as you fix your gaze to the road. Praying, Chocolate malt. Chocolate malt. Come on, baby. A minute passes. Two. As you pass the sign for a nearby farm you think of the cows that must be grazing there. Your belly cries like a humpback whale. Then, out of nowhere, your passenger cries with sheer shock and awe at the sight of what’s approaching… – WHAT THE – …and, stupefied by confusion, you miss the area’s only diner entirely.
Crazy billboard advertisements:
Blazing citrus! There appears to be a gentleman here whose oranges are blazing. Is he a juggler? Where are his protective gloves? Think of his arm hair! We’re hoping this is an art installation and not the latest range of fruit items at CostCo:
Sometimes, when you’re in a spot of bother, you need a small group of well-dressed people onboard. Now you know where to find them. Say that number again? 0800-four-people-in-suits? Got it. Dialing now:
We’re guessing this dashing advert is for German underwear. What we’ll never understand is what happened to the person typing it up (and exactly why they have such a love-hate relationship with capital letters):
This surely has to be the funniest joke you’ll never get:
On second thoughts let’s stop in the next town over. Not this one. Drive, drive fast:
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