How To Combat Your Teen’s Tech Withdrawal Symptoms On Vacation – Using Carrots.
So little Jimmy or Jenny isn’t so little anymore. Gone are the days when they’d look adoringly into your eyes and burble the words I WUV OO.

The truth is, right now, they think you suck. And even worse than that: they think the vacation you paid for sucks. It doesn’t help that they can’t get signal on their phone, (Whatever you do, do not tell them that was deliberate) and they are suffering from Teen’s Tech Withdrawal Symptoms! So how can you solve this disaster? How can you get them engaged in the trip, and in love with the world again? Simple: use
carrots. And no, we’re not talking in metaphors.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Put a carrot in their hands. It will stimulate their cell-phone muscles, and comfort them immediately
2. Hide a few small carrots under their bedsheets. This will stop your teen lying in bed too long in the morning to avoid you
3. If they get mad, give your teen a handful of carrots to throw at the nearest wall. Edible darts!
4. Surround your accommodation with a carrot fence posts. You will attract adorable critters that your teen can’t ignore, such as donkeys, squirrels, and ants
5. Entertain the family with a carrot-drumstick solo. Take that,
6. Reassure them the carrot is exactly like the stylus of an iPad. If they want, your teen can use it to draw pixelated images in the dirt
7. Suggest they find a way to wear the carrot. If your suggestion is met with suspicion, remind them that Lady Gaga has probably worn many carrots to awards ceremonies
8. Should your teen be loath to hug you at any point, you can both hug the same carrot instead
9. Should your teen be loath to communicate with you directly, they can send you messages written on carrots instead
10. Towards the end of the trip, deliver a carrot to the teen crush your kid has been eyeing up. Look at that. Now they have something in common!
Well done. You’re an excellent parent! Tell us how you deal with your teen below or check out
this for more fun!