Ever Wondered What Your Lowly Paper Sick Bag Is Really Thinking...

That paper sick bag tucked in the pocket nearby might not seem like much at first sight.
Look closer.
You’ll find its life story is a complex blend of feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
Say ‘hi.’ Lean in. Hear what it has to say…
· I know most people aren’t fans of bags like me. Let’s not kid ourselves: when folks come close to guys like me it’s not usually because they want to share the good times. Right? I used to get offended. I used to think ‘Why me?’ But I’ve been working this through with my therapist, and I’m coming to terms with it. Kind of.
When I was little:
· When I was little, I wanted to carry candy. It’s the stuff of my childhood daydreams: perching all stripy and colorful in some Olde Sweete Shoppe-style premises, when somebody grabs me by my corners and fills me with the greats. Gobstoppers, Hot Tamales, Candy Corn, Swedish Fish, anything, wouldn’t matter. I love them all. That’s the life I craved. But it wasn’t to be. · The fact is, as a sick bag, I’m happy to help, but even happier not to. This is how I’m trying to see it: if you need me, I’ll perform my service. If you don’t, so much the better. My therapist says it’s a plus to be someone who’s wanted, so I’m looking on the bright side. Sure, I’m not a candy bag, but it could be worse. I could be packaging toilet paper. · My favorite passengers are the ones that laugh when they notice me. Or the ones that give me a look that says ‘I see you. I appreciate you. But I’m not going to use you today.’ That’s respect. We know where we stand. That’s giving me my space.
My Dream:
· But I dream of the day where guys like me can retire. One of my pals became a paper plane a few months ago. The last thing I saw, he was sailing through the air, light as a bird. He even had a new smiley face drawn on – I’ve never seen him so happy. One day, I hope, we’ll all be decommissioned. One day, you folks won’t need bags like us anymore. When that happens, if I’m still in the game, I’ll head to the nearest Sweet Shoppe I find. Get loaded with Fizzy Cola Bottles. Sit in the window and sunbathe. Living the dream at last. The Sick Bag’s Thoughts - Did you enjoy that article? Read more stories:
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