10 License Plates That’ll Make You Hope An Old Tiger Granny Is Driving.
License Plate Granny:
You’ve been playing the License Plate game for months now, on roads the whole country through, and there’s one thing you can’t get enough of: the kooky plates that give away a little something-something of their driver.
Spot any of the following on your next road trip, and keep eyes your peeled to see who’s behind the wheel. If just one of these plates is owned by a granny, we swear we’ll approach our old age with open arms.
It's time to play License Plate Granny:
The Metallica Plate
Get those devil horns at the ready: there’s no prizes for guessing what Deirdre’s playing through her sub-woofers. Turn it up, lady. Turn it up loud:
The G-Rated Plate
As in G for gangsta. As in: Gangsta G Grandma. Amirite? You know it’s right:
The Feet-Loving Plate
doesn’t love feet? All the better to walk round the sales with, dear.
The Timeless Plate
Ethel’s given up letting people know her age. After all, timeless is a state of mind:
The LOTR Plate
Samwise Gran-gee never stops. Enter Hobbiton into the SatNav and hit the gas:
The Agitated Plate
All the signs are telling us: ‘Do not mess.’ We’ll have no trouble here, thanks. There’s a chance this granny driver’s packing knitting needles:
The Tired Plate
This plate works coz the driver’s tired AND she’s carrying tires. Geddit? Oh, right. You did get it:
The Vegan Plate
We’re all set for our butter-free scones. All we need is a warmed-up teapot:
The Queen’s Plate
You tell ’em, Maureen. Everyone knows you rule.
The Life-Loving Plate
Us too, Granny. All the more when we see you rolling through.

Spotted any more cool license plates? let us know in the comments below.
And check
this out for more fun.