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Air Sickness Testimonials



‘Way better than drugs!’ – and other true Sea-Band tales.

Isn’t it great to be better than drugs? We’re working on being better than other things too – s*x and booze, for example, but those kinds of reviews haven’t come into us.


In the meantime, we’re soaring high in the knowledge that growing numbers of travellers are turning to Sea-Band for natural anti-nausea protection in the air. Like MG, who wrote to tell Amazon how Sea-Band helped ward off motion sickness during a patch of turbulence. (‘I started to feel sick and put these on and it went away.’)

Or Rachel, who packed two pairs for her trip, and found that, when her queasiness rose, ‘They worked great… I just pushed in on the nodule and that seemed to do the trick.’

Speaking of which, in case you don’t know the ‘nodule’ Rachel’s referring to, allow us to explain. Whereas many remedies for travel sickness rely on drugs and chemical disruptors, Sea-Band uses the drug-free power of acupressure to stop sickness in its tracks. How? Through a small plastic button or nodule, that sits comfortably against your P6 pressure point; a crucial part of your body that’s located between the tendons of your wrist. This point connects directly with both your heart and your stomach, which means that applying pressure to it can create instant relief for motion-sickness sufferers, lessening travel anxiety in the process.

As a result, we’ve taken to calling these bad boys our Adventure Bands: a quick, natural form of armour that you can slip on to guard yourself against nausea and use any time that you need to step out of your comfort zone. After all, the world’s an amazing place, and you want to get out there, right? Not bury your head between your knees, or fear to step on to that plane.

So even if, like our customer Mr J Lowe, your airsickness makes travel feel ‘almost impossible’ at the moment; even if, like him, you’re ‘on the point of giving up’, read on for more first-hand accounts of how these wristbands could change your flight path for the better.

Nausea Relief Success Stories

“Way better than drugs! I had some of these before but couldn’t find them before my trip. I couldn’t believe how much they’ve done down at price and to get two different pairs! I was stoked! They worked great, taking the edge off my motion sickness on my flight. I put the second pair in my checked bag so I for sure would have a pair on my return flight. When I started having some queasiness, I just pushed in on the nodule and that seemed to do the trick. These are so much better than any drug. No side effects!”



“These bands are awesome, and I get bad motion sickness. I took a pair of these on a long flight and wore them completely. They did what they were supposed to do and I didn’t get any major flight travel sickness.”


“I bought these on a whim to try as I get motion sick sometimes with flying. We hit turbulence on one flight and I started to feel sick and put these on and it went away. For a natural remedy to mild motion sickness, this can’t be beaten.”


“Airsickness made travel almost impossible for me, the long haul was out of the question and even the shortest of journeys was an ordeal. A three-hour journey left me feeling ill for the rest of the day and I was on the point of giving up when a friend introduced me to Sea-Band. Thank you Sea-Band.”
Mr J Lowe


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