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Your Babymoon Essentials_ Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief

Your Babymoon Essentials

Your Babymoon Essentials

What should you bring on your last baby-free trip? What are the Babymoon essentials for your packing? It’s natural to crave a proper break during your pregnancy. The chances are you and your body could do with a rest, as could a mind full of thoughts about what’s ahead. This may also be your last relaxing trip for a good few years (or at least until you can persuade a willing grandparent to take Baby off your hands. Come on, Granny. You know you want to…). So don’t let the opportunity for R’n’R slip away. With so much to consider even without a vacation to book, getting ready for a babymoon can feel daunting – especially if you’ve been suffering with morning sickness – but don’t let the preparations put you off. We’ve been consulting the babymoon pros so you don’t have to, and have assembled up the cream of what we learned in the jazzy graphic below. From dry crackers to keep the nausea at bay (morning sickness tends to strike harder on empty stomachs), to bands that trigger helpful acupressure points, this babymoon packing list has you covered. Oh, and FYI, our list also includes some fun red herrings. (Why? Because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Although, frankly, if tooting on a trumpet would make your vacation, and you’ve got the space in your luggage, don’t leave that bad boy behind.) And so, without further ado…

Your Babymoon Essentials:

Your Babymoon Essentials_ Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief Are you prepping for a babymoon – or have you recently come back from one? Do you have any questions for Sea-Band’s pregnancy community or tips you want to open to the floor? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. We’d love to hear them. If you liked this article, you might also enjoy ‘An Advance Apology to the Bump’ and ‘Bonkers Baby Names’.
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