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Vertigo Victims read this first fight motion sickness nausea

Vertigo Victim? Read This First

Vertigo Victim? Read This First

Vertigo sufferer: are you short on time but desperate for knowledge? Find your way around the site with our shortcut guide.


If you only have a minute, click on to our post about finding your P6 acupressure point. By pinpointing this little wonder spot, you may be able to mute your feelings of nausea in a natural, drug-free way.


Want to spend a little longer getting to know us? Take 10-15 minutes to connect with your bold, bad self, reading our top responses to the phrase ‘You look terrible’, followed by our favourite off-the-wall excuses for dizziness and vertigo.


In need of added fun after that? Lose track of time in our weird humor section, where you’ll find a collection of absurd anti-vertigo mantras, along with adorable unbalanced animals, the therapy pets we all need, and the best excuses for having your head between your legs that we’ve seen. We hope our webite makes you feel just a bit brighter.
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