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USA Sickest Coasters:2 Fight Motion Sickess Nausea

USA's Sickest Rides: 2

USA's Sickest Rides: Level 2

Want to ride rollercoasters without getting sick – and become a true coaster pro? We’ve created a guide to the sickest rides to watch out for, and help build up your tolerance.

Our first post in our Sickest Rides series introduced you to the basics for becoming more comfortable on coasters. Our overall mission is to help you tackle the funniest, most exhilarating theme park rides in the country – and override those motion sickness blues.

Today’s selection is a shout out for our Level 2 rides. These four coasters are more advanced than many others you’ll find out there and could be the perfect next step for you to progress through to Level 3.

Prepare yourself for some wild corkscrew action; for rotating seats and anti-gravity drops. Legs are dangling, loops are looping, the speed is notching up. But with the right prep, there’s a high chance you can conquer them.

As ever, before your strap into the following rides, we recommend that you:

- Assess how you’re really feeling (are you in the right frame of mind to try something new?)

- Keep yourself fully hydrated (drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol)

- Keep a settled stomach (don’t ride on a stomach that’s too full, or too empty)

- Remove over-warm clothing items (staying cool can do the world of good)

- Find your anti-nausea acupressure point (a P6, or Nei Kuan, a point on your wrist that has been proven to ease nausea symptoms) and slip on a Sea-Band acuppressure band for good measure.

- And breathe slowly

You can do this.

Level 2: The Advanced Ones

USA Sickest Rides: 2 - Fight motion sickness and nausea

Already tried one (or all) of these sick Level 2 rollercoasters? We’d love to hear how it went! Share your awesome coaster adventures in our comments section, below.

And if you’re feeling ready to take things up a notch, click on to our Level 3 selection for some of the craziest, most extreme rides in the land. Level 3

Or check out the top 5 deadliest coasters here!
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