Who’s this coming over to see you, they look familiar, gosh you haven’t this guy/gal in a while. It must be time for a catch-up. Give your hair a rake through, pull those shoulders back, straight neck, smile, thinking confident happy thoughts and – wait for it –‘Oh my goodness, you look terrible!’Take a moment for yourself, draw a nice deep breath, then take your pick of these...7 top-of-the-range responses for the next person who tells you ‘You look terrible’:
Response 1:
‘Why, thank you, friend. Charmed, I’m sure.’
Response 2:
‘Oh my goodness, what a crazy coincidence: so do you! Wow, it’s so funny, I was thinking of not saying anything – you know, I was worried it might be considered a bit rude to just come out with a blunt line like that – ooh, you look terrible – but now I see you’re so open to it, well, that’s great. Hey, I bet you feel tons better now that’s off your chest. I know I do!’
‘Tell me more, master! Please! YOU ARE THE SUNLIGHT TO MY DARKNESS!’
Response 5:
‘For real? No kidding. Thank you for the info. I thought might be something wrong with today and now I know what it is: my terrible appearance. Phew!’
Response 6:
‘I can look much more terrible when provoked.’
Response 7:
Karate Kid>
Top Responses to ‘You Look Terrible’ - well you can't win them all but you can always find an explanation to the choice of the wrong words! Read this.
Actually, the top responses to ‘You Look Terrible’ are ok, but actually I feel and look great!
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