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Road Trip Must-Haves

Road Trip Must-Haves - If in doubt: sack it, don’t pack it.

Road Trip Must-Haves? They’re the questions on every frantically packing traveler’s lips: do I really need to take this as I motor around America/Europe/the globe/? I mean, just how heavy is one person’s bag allowed to be? Standing next to your open suitcase, contemplating the boundaries of weight, space and time, the packing possibilities can seem almost paralyzing. And, frankly, if you take everything that you’ve laid out on your bed, you probably will be paralyzed by the time you carry it home. Thankfully help is at hand in the form of this fabulous blog post – for today we are presenting a few of our favorite things; items that will help you stay on top of the game when it comes to adventure road tripping. And before the eagle-eyed among you say it, we know there are in fact 13 pictures here, rather than the 10 listed in our title. Firstly: good counting skills. Really good. Secondly: only 10 of these items are things our travel gurus advise taking along with you. The rest are there to test your mettle, and see if you’re paying attention. So what will it be, folks: the drumsticks or the duct tape? 10 Adventure Road Trip Must-Haves Pack or Sack Road Trip Must-Haves_Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief We won’t patronize you by pointing out the 10 must-haves* in this picture. What we will do, however, is flag up the video of our brilliant travel blogger, Sea-Band Steph, playing the Pack It or Sack It game with a fluffy yellow bird head. Give it a watch. It’s unbelievably compelling. Once you’re done with that, why not share your thoughts in our comments section below? Particularly if you’ve perfected the perfect pack list – the Sea Bandit community would love to hear the deets. (*Although we admit the drumsticks have been pretty divisive.) For an incredibly more detailed packing list - check this out
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