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Family road trippers read this first fight motion sickness nausea

Family Road Trip? Read This First

Family Road Trip? Read This First

Welcome, family road trippers, to our shortcut guide to the site. (And knowing how little time most families have to concentrate, it’ll be snappy.) Just work out how much time you have to spare, and zip to your section:


If someone in the house is screaming and you’ve only got a minute or two, launch straight into the vital info with our practical posts for road trips. That’s road-trip must-haves, natural remedies to kick the sick, and finding the P6 acupressure point (i.e. the magical spot that can stop motion sickness in its tracks).


If you’ve bought yourself 10-20 minutes by hiding out in the closet, you can prep for your trip with the good stuff, like best answers to ‘Are we nearly there yet?’; top game ideas for the car (including Name That Smell and The Alphabet Game); and route inspiration in the form of our guides to the Blue Ridge Parkway, New England Coast, the Pacific Northwest and Scenic US Parks. You might also find some inspo in Jon Burkhart’s family adventure, or gadgets to conquer the quease.


If you want a source of silliness to match the insanity levels around you, you can spend 30 mins zoning out at our a mad collection of posts, including (for a watery mood) outrageous things on water-skis and ridiculous real-life boats; (for an on-the-road mood) crazy billboard advertising, license plates you wish belonged to a granny, and strange motion sickness cures; (for an at-the-end-of-my-tether mood) teen tech withdrawal symptoms.

Should you be in a mind to lose yourself completely, we strongly recommend the nonsensical tones of our all-purpose road map. Or, with our guidance, you can climb to the top of the nearest perfect climbing tree and console yourself in tranquility with the warm fuzziness of I spent 2 weeks traveling in a small vehicle with my family, and all I got was this lousy…

There’s plenty more where that came from family travelers , so roll up and keep clicking.

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