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USA Sickest Rides: fight motion sickness nausea

USA's Sickest Rides: VR

USA's Sickest Rides: VR Level

Want to ride rollercoasters without getting sick – and become a true coaster pro? We’ve created a guide to the USA Sickest Rides: VR to watch out for and help build up your tolerance. Now you might need some time to build up to today’s tough selection because the following VR-coaster hybrids are definitely not for the faint of heart (or the weak of stomach). Riding coasters while wearing VR goggles can be a totally immersive (and un-toppable) experience. You won’t be surprised to learn that it can also be pretty destabilizing. Certain headsets might restrict your peripheral vision, bright lights and colors could make your eyes feel super-sensitive, while optical illusions such as bending corridors, or neat anti-gravity tricks, might see you eventually putting a hand to your mouth – and that’s even before the loop-the-loops are added into the equation. Before you strap into the USA's Sickest Rides: VR - we recommend that you:
  • Assess how you’re really feeling (are you in the right frame of mind to give this a go?)
  • Keep yourself fully hydrated (drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol)
  • Keep a settled stomach (don’t ride on a stomach that’s too full, or too empty)
  • Remove over-warm clothing items (staying cool can do the world of good)
  • Find your anti-nausea acupressure point (a P6, or Nei Kuan, the point on your wrist that has been proven to ease nausea symptoms) and slip on some Sea-Bands for good measure.
  • And breathe slowly
As with anything, we also recommend not running before you can walk. If you know you’re prone to motion sickness, why not postpone attempting these coasters for now until you’ve completed Levels 1, Levels 2 and Levels 3 of our Sickest Rides blog posts? Sickest Rides US Level VR_Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief Have you tried any of these sick VR rides already? Tell us how it went! Share your wild coaster stories in our comments section, below. We’d love to hear them. And you can look at the top 10 fastest roller coasters in the world here.
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