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USA sickest rides 1 fight motion sickness nausea

USA's Sickest Rides: 1

USA's Sickest Rides: 1

Want to ride rollercoasters without getting sick – and become a true coaster pro? We’ve created a guide to the USA's sickest rides, level 1 to watch out for, and help build up your tolerance.

Today we bring you the first instalment in our four-part series: the creatively named Level 1. In other words, we’re about to share some ideas for beginner rides…

Think of these as a step up from the pirate ships and teacup waltzers of your average fairground – but still a ways away from the gnarliest, twistiest-turniest monster in the theme park. (You know: the one that you can’t contemplate just yet without turning shades of green.)

Our hope is to ween you into your coaster career bit-by-bit. How? By helping you test your limits, build up your confidence, and overcome motion sickness one ride at a time.

We firmly believe that, with the right prep, a BUNCH of people who think they’re not suited to theme parks can unlock the obstacles in their path, tackle their fears, and tap into an area of wild rides and excitement.

Before you strap in to the following rides, we recommend that you:

- Assess how you’re really feeling (are you in the right frame of mind to try something new?)

- Keep yourself fully hydrated (drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol)

- Keep a settled stomach (don’t ride on a stomach that’s too full, or too empty)

- Remove over-warm clothing items (staying cool can do the world of good)

- Find your anti-nausea acupressure point (a P6, or Nei Kuan, point on your wrist that has been proven to ease nausea symptoms) and slip on a Sea-Band acuppressure band for good measure.

- And breathe slowly

Ticked all the boxes? Feeling ready? Then let’s begin…

Sickest Rides US Level 1_Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief Have you tried any of these rides? let us know your favorite! Check out more roller coaster action with USA Sickest Rides Level 2 here And be amazed by the top 10 tallest roller coasters in the world here
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