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Scenic Drives: USA Parks

Scenic Drives: USA Parks

The Road-Tripping Journeys – And Destinations – Of Your Dreams. 4 Best Scenic Drives: USA Parks.

Our current favorite office coffee mug says – in gigantic green and blue letters - that ‘It’s not the destination, it’s the glory of the ride.’ It’s a really, really great mug, as you can probably tell (the shape is especially great for cookie-dunking; got a nice grippy handle too). And it turns out the mug’s catchy mission statement isn’t 100% accurate – because sometimes the ride and the destination are both glorious. Take these featured scenic drives to USA National Parks. You’d be hard-pressed to find 4 more scenic road trip combos in the country. Passing through ancient landscapes, catching glimpses of untamed wildlife, curving round exhilarating bends. You’ll arrive at your destination feeling pretty darn lucky. And there’ll be yet more greatness still to come.


Tapped from the wisdom of a handful of excellent travel bloggers, these tips come with a health and safety warning. If you’re the one at the wheel, be sure to budget in extra time for stopping. Otherwise, the temptation to race with your head out the window will be simply too strong a temptation. And that doesn’t always end well. So take lots of breaks and pull in for your snaps – or, better yet, get someone else into that driver’s seat for you. From Colorado’s Dead Horse Byway to the iconic Highway One, these scenic drives are destined to transport you through the most beautiful scenery on the planet. We’ll raise a mug to that. Scenic Drives National Parks in the US_ Fight Motion Sickness By Nausea Relief Are you planning a scenic national park road-trip through America? Have you tried any of these drives on your four-wheeled travels already? Perhaps you saw sea lions from behind your steering wheel – or blasted through the tunnels of Zion. For more travel guides - check out our other travel blogs Our Sea Bandits are in the business of sharing ideas, so be sure to post any comments below and take your conversation to the masses.
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