VR Innovations To Stop Motion Sickness and Nausea
VR games may be virtual (the clue’s in the name, ahem), but the motion sickness and nausea they can cause for some players is indisputably real. And, what’s more, it really sucks. In our latest VR-themed post for the Sea-Band community, we turn our focus to 4 new VR innovations hoping to kick nausea into the dust. And then keep kicking. At the time of writing, these quirky innovations are all being trialed and developed. We are excited to see if they can help bring the scourge of interactive games (and long drives, and ferry rides, and pregnancy, and, and, and) to a timely end. Today we’re getting the VR party started with an exciting collaboration between Audi and Disney – which has taken the form of an in-car game born out of Marvel’s much-loved Avengers series. That’s right, boys and girls: car giant, meets Disney, meets comic book franchise – and with none of that horrible motion sickness nonsense in the mix. With that glorious mash-up coming at you, the long drive to visit Aunt Gladys will never be the same again.VR To Stop Motion Sickness