The USA's Sickest Rides: 3
Want to ride rollercoasters without getting sick – and become a true coaster pro? We’ve created a guide to the sickest rides to watch out for, and help build up your tolerance.
Ready for the coasters with the most(ers)? It’s the blog post you’ve been waiting for: the third in our series of the USA’s Sickest Rides.
Also known as: The Extreme Edition.
If you’ve joined us after reading Level 1 and Level 2, congratulations on getting yourself so far. It’s been a wild ride, we can tell you - If you’ve just joined us, and are keen to jump in at the deep end, we totally get it. But you might want to check out what came before this post first.
Why? Because in today’s guide we have some of the biggest (and best) bad boys in the States. Think adrenaline. Think velocity. Pure adventure.
If you’re ready to take a ride on Level 3, you can expect intense anti-gravity drops, chaotic, mind-bending spins – and even a little bit of backwardsness.
Before your step into the extreme scene, we recommend that you:
- Assess how you’re really feeling (are you in the right frame of mind to try something new?)
- Keep yourself fully hydrated (drinking plenty of water, and avoiding alcohol)
- Keep a settled stomach (don’t ride on a stomach that’s too full, or too empty)
- Remove over-warm clothing items (staying cool can do the world of good)
- Find your anti-nausea acupressure point (a P6, or Nei Kuan, point on your wrist that has been proven to ease nausea symptoms) and maybe slip a Sea-Band acuppressure band on to help.
- And breathe slowly
3…2…1… GO!
The USA's Sickest Rides: Level 3

Have you conquered any of these sick Level 3 coasters? We’d love to hear your story! Share your extreme adventures in our comments section, below.
And if you thought things couldn’t get any more exhilarating, have we got news for you: there are more VR-coaster hybrids right here.
If you liked that and want to read more - Check out the UK's top 10 coasters here!