Somewhere on your body, right now, there’s an acupressure point that could help you fight nausea and motion sickness anywhere and at any time. By applying a firm amount of pressure to this point, you could unlock a deep sense of calm and relief for yourself when you feel you need it the most.
We’re guessing you’re eager to learn where this point can be found – and the good news is we can tell you.
But first, some background info:
Have you ever heard of a little something called the P6? We know, we know – it sounds like the name of a motorway or the module of an accountancy exam, but don’t let its subtle demeanor fool you.
Think P for Pressure. P for Power. P for Pro.
Alternatively, you could also think P for Pericardium, which is what the letter stands for in acupressure terms – your pericardium being the fluid-filled membrane that surrounds your heart.
Why the Pericardium? Because although this point is located on the wrist (apologies, spoiler alert), acupressure experts teach that it links to a channel of energy which flows through chest, diaphragm, and stomach.
The P6 is also known as the Nei Kuan, or Nei Guan, which has been its name in Chinese Medicine for a very long time indeed. We like to call this acupressure point The Natural Solution To Nausea Anxiety. Unofficially, that is.
But you don’t want to know that, do you, folks? You want to know how to find your P6 acupressure point. We’re glad to say the method is happily simple. Just turn your palm towards your face, exposing your wrist (either arm will do), measure a space of three fingers below the joint, and place your thumb directly below, in between your tendons. Keep the pressure firm, but not painful, and if you’re receptive to the point you’ll find your nausea symptoms will start to ease.
More of a visual thinker? This neat image, below, ought to help.

Specially designed acupressure wristbands can help you locate your P6 point, and will maintain a constant pressure if you’re on the go (or can’t spare a hand to do the job for you).
Have you found the P6 pressure point helpful in fighting your nausea or motion sickness? Let us know, and share your feedback with the Sea-Band community using the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.
For more information on acupressure and more tips to find your acupressure points check out